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• 英文タイトル:Automotive Tire Inflator Market - Growth, Trends, Covid-19 Impact, and Forecasts (2023 - 2028)

Automotive Tire Inflator Market - Growth, Trends, Covid-19 Impact, and Forecasts (2023 - 2028)「自動車用タイヤインフレータの世界市場(2023~2028):乗用車、商用車」(市場規模、市場予測)調査レポートです。• レポートコード:MRC2304H084
• 出版社/出版日:Mordor Intelligence / 2023年1月23日
• レポート形態:英文、PDF、70ページ
• 納品方法:Eメール(受注後2-3営業日)
• 産業分類:自動車
• 販売価格(消費税別)
  Single User¥712,500 (USD4,750)▷ お問い合わせ
  Corporate License¥1,312,500 (USD8,750)▷ お問い合わせ
• ご注文方法:お問い合わせフォーム記入又はEメールでご連絡ください。
• お支払方法:銀行振込(納品後、ご請求書送付)
モルドールインテリジェンス社の市場調査レポートでは、世界の自動車用タイヤインフレータ市場規模が、予測期間中(2022-2027)にCAGR 約5%で増加すると予測しています。本書では、自動車用タイヤインフレータの世界市場について調査・分析し、イントロダクション、調査手法、エグゼクティブサマリー、市場動向、自動車種類別(乗用車、商用車)分析、種類別(固定型・セントラル、可動型)分析、販売チャネル別(OEM、アフターマーケット)分析、地域別(北米、ヨーロッパ、アジア太平洋、アメリカ、カナダ、ドイツ、イギリス、フランス、ロシア、スペイン、インド、中国、日本、韓国、その他)分析、競争状況、市場機会・将来の動向など、以下の内容でまとめています。なお、参入企業情報として、Robert Bosch GmbH、FTL(IDEX Corporation)、Dana Incorporated、Stanley Black & Decker, Inc、Michelin、The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company.、SAF-HOLLAND Group、Meritor, Incなどが含まれています。

- 乗用車における市場規模
- 商用車における市場規模
- 固定型・セントラルタイヤインフレータの市場規模
- 可動型タイヤインフレータの市場規模
- OEMチャネルの市場規模
- アフターマーケットチャネルの市場規模
- 北米の自動車用タイヤインフレータ市場規模

- ヨーロッパの自動車用タイヤインフレータ市場規模

- アジア太平洋の自動車用タイヤインフレータ市場規模

- その他地域の自動車用タイヤインフレータ市場規模


The Automotive Tire Inflator Market is expected to grow registering a CAGR of about 5% in the forecast period (2022-2027).

The new vehicle production and sales decreased in 2020 as the COVID-19 pandemic had a substantial short-term impact on the automotive industry. Additionally, because of the restrictions, car owners drove less, which prolonged trips for maintenance or tire replacement, increasing the risk of punctures and downtime.

Automakers across the globe are removing the spares from their vehicles to save money and reduce weight to increase efficiency in response to increasingly strict fuel economy rules which is the primary driver of the tire inflator market. About 25 pounds are taken out of the car when a spare tire is exchanged with an inflation kit. Additionally, some countries like India, have lifted the mandate of a spare tire which is also expected to aid the tire inflator market growth in the forecast period.

As majority of the vehicles, sold globally are in the Asia-Pacific region, it is the largest as well as the fastest growing market.

Automotive Tire Inflator Market Trends

Growing Sales of Electric Vehicles is Expected to Drive the Market

The automobile sector now cannot exist without electric vehicles. It represents a means to minimise pollution and other greenhouse gas emissions while also attaining energy efficiency. The main causes of this growth are the rising environmental concerns and the beneficial government measures. By the end of 2025, it is anticipated that the number of electric passenger cars sold annually would surpass 10 million units and might make up more than 15% of total vehicle sales.

Despite the global pandemic, the market for electric vehicles has been expanding at a solid rate recently; in 2021, total sales of electric vehicles were at approximately 6.6 million units, up from 3.0 million units as of 2020 and 2.2 million units in 2019. Sales have increased as a result of stricter regulations being implemented by various organisations and governments to reduce emissions and promote zero-emission automobiles.

For instance, In 2021, the Canadian federal government signed the international drive to obtain zero-emission transit by 2025 and make the majority of the vehicles plying on the road electric by 2040.

To save weight and make more room for the battery majority of the carmakers do not include a spare tire with their battery electric or hybrid vehicles. For instance, Tesla doesn’t offer a spare wheel for any of its vehicles. Additionally, Volkswagen ID4 also doesn’t feature a spare tire as a standard fitment.

Many governments across the countries have also lifted the mandate of adding a spare tire. For instance, in August 2021, Indian government exclaimed of removing the compulsion of spare wheel, viz a viz, a tire repair and inflation kit, or a TPMS is provided with the vehicle.

Owing to the above mentioned instances, and government initiavites, the rise in the demand for electric vehicles, is expected to propel the tire inflator market in the forecast period.

Aftermarket Segment is Expected to Witness Significant Growth

The aftermarket automotive tire inflator market is expected to witness a high CAGR during the forecast period. Countries from several regions, like China, India, the United States, and others are expected to hold a significant share in the global automotive market during the forecast period.

Factors like, the rise in the sales of passenger cars and light commercial vehicles, are expected to drive this segment of the tire inflator market. As many carmakers across the region have started eliminating the addition of spare tire, the demand for tire repair kit, which also includes a tire inflator, is expected to grow.

Additionally, many car manufacturing companies in the countries like India have started providing a tire repair kit, along with a spare tire. For instance, in 2021, Tata launched its entry-level hatchback Tiago which offers a spare tire as well as a puncture repair kit.

With that, as many electric cars do not offer a spare tire including tesla, which also enhances the demand for the tire inflator. Also, in 2021, Tesla stopped offering a tire puncture kit with its Model 3. However, Tesla along with other car makers like Toyota, Suzuki, Hyundai and others doo offer a tire inflator kit as an optional accessory.

As many carmakers are refraining from providing, a spare tire and a tire inflator kit, several vehicle owners are expected to prefer aftermarket inflators through e-commerce websites and brick and mortar structure, which is liekyl to drive teh aftermarket segment growth during the forecats period.

Automotive Tire Inflator Market Competitor Analysis

The Automotive Tire Inflator market is fragmented due to the presence of many big and regional players in the market. Some of the big players in the market include Robert Bosch GmbH, Dana Incorporated, Stanley Black & Decker, Inc, Meritor, Inc and others.

As the market is fragmented, many small regional players are stepping into the market. For instance, in January 2022, Portronics launched a new tire inflator, Vayu, in India. The inflator comes with a battery of 4000mAh and has a power output of 50W.

Additional Benefits:

  • The market estimate (ME) sheet in Excel format
  • 3 months of analyst support

1.1 Study Assumptions
1.2 Scope of the Study



4.1 Market Drivers
4.2 Market Restraints
4.3 Porter’s Five Forces Analysis
4.3.1 Threat of New Entrants
4.3.2 Bargaining Power of Buyers/Consumers
4.3.3 Bargaining Power of Suppliers
4.3.4 Threat of Substitute Products
4.3.5 Intensity of Competitive Rivalry

5.1 By Vehicle Type
5.1.1 Passenger Cars
5.1.2 Commercial Vehicles
5.2 By Type
5.2.1 Fixed/Central Tire Inflator
5.2.2 Portable
5.3 By Sales Channel
5.3.1 OEM
5.3.2 Aftermarket
5.4 Geography
5.4.1 North America United States Canada Rest of North America
5.4.2 Europe Germany Uinted Kingdom France Russia Spain Rest of Europe
5.4.3 Asia-Pacific India China Japan South Korea Rest of Asia-Pacific
5.4.4 Rest of the World South America Middle-East

6.1 Vendor Market Share
6.2 Company Profiles
6.2.1 Robert Bosch GmbH
6.2.2 FTL (IDEX Corporation)
6.2.3 Dana Incorporated
6.2.4 Stanley Black & Decker, Inc
6.2.5 Michelin
6.2.6 The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company.
6.2.7 SAF-HOLLAND Group
6.2.8 Meritor, Inc
6.2.9 ITW Global Tire Repair, INC
6.2.10 Bon-Aire Industries Inc