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• 英文タイトル:North America Prefabricated Housing Market - Growth, Trends, COVID-19 Impact and Forecasts (2021 - 2026)

North America Prefabricated Housing Market - Growth, Trends, COVID-19 Impact and Forecasts (2021 - 2026)「プレハブ住宅の北米市場2021-2026:成長・動向・新型コロナの影響・市場予測」(市場規模、市場予測)調査レポートです。• レポートコード:MRC2108A542
• 出版社/出版日:Mordor Intelligence / 2021年7月
• レポート形態:英文、PDF、150ページ
• 納品方法:Eメール(受注後2-3営業日)
• 産業分類:建設
• 販売価格(消費税別)
  Single User¥562,500 (USD3,750)▷ お問い合わせ
  Team User¥637,500 (USD4,250)▷ お問い合わせ
  Corporate License¥1,050,000 (USD7,000)▷ お問い合わせ
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Mordor Intelligence社は、プレハブ住宅の北米市場規模が2021年から2026年の間に5%成長すると予測しています。本調査資料では、北米のプレハブ住宅市場について調査し、イントロダクション、調査手法、エグゼクティブサマリー、市場インサイト、市場動向、種類別分析、国別分析、競争状況、市場機会/将来の見通しなどを掲載しています。

North America’s prefabricated housing market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 5% during the forecast period. The prefabricated housing market is a potential market, especially in North America, where there is increasing demand for affordable housing and high-quality housing. Some of the main factors driving the growth of the market are that it provides homeownership at a lower cost than houses built on-site. Various interior and exterior architectural styles that cannot be easily realized in a house built on-site can be easily deployed in a prefabricated house. Technological progress and manufacturer’s focus on providing customers with high-quality services can further promote the growth of the North American prefabricated housing market during the forecast period.

Due to COVID-19 restrictions, many construction projects were delayed or canceled. Several construction companies shut down their projects due to lockdown and restrictions. Since a high workforce is required for traditional construction, opting for prefabricated buildings came out as an optimum solution during the pandemic. Due to the additional benefits provided by prefabricated houses over houses built on-site, the number of annual installations in the prefabricated house market is expected to increase. Some of the benefits include no delay in construction due to natural obstacles such as inclement weather, the risk of damage to construction products, and lack of skilled labor. The prefabricated housing industry in North America generates considerable revenue, and the industry is expected to experience high-value growth during the forecast period.

There is a shortage of affordable housing in the United States. Due to the high cost and long time of building on-site houses, and more and more young consumers want to own their own houses, this problem is expected to continue to exist. The shortage of on-site built houses will provide market opportunities for prefabricated house manufacturers who can quickly build affordable single-family houses at a lower cost than on-site built houses, while also providing convenience facilities such as large kitchens and multiple bathrooms.

Key Market Trends

Increase in Prefabricated Housing Market in North America

In North America, the productivity of several construction projects has slowed down due to a labor shortage. Hence, companies are expected to utilize prefabricated construction to complete the project faster. The use of additive manufacturing made using energy-absorbing materials such as micro homes is likely to bolster the industry growth in the region. Further, fast-paced urbanization in emerging areas of the region and growing investment in the construction sector are other factors driving growth. The market is expected to grow at a moderate rate as people increasingly focus on readymade solutions for prefabricated houses that match their criteria. Acceptance of the manufacturing form, consent processes, durability, and low cost are primary factors expected to boost the demand for prefabricated houses. The use of eco-friendly materials in developing high-quality prefabricated houses is likely to influence the market positively. The statistic represents the commodities imported by the United States air freight transportation system from Canada in 2020, by weight. In 2020, United States imported over 1,383.96 tons of furniture, lamps, and prefabricated buildings from Canada.

COVID-19 Impact on Construction Industry of United States

The United States General Contractor Trade Organization reported that more projects have been canceled than the number of construction started in the past 12 months, and construction employment has declined in most metropolitan areas. In these 12 months, the Houston area lost the most construction jobs in any major city. Prior to the COVID-19 and economic recession, the Houston Methodist Hospital’s expansion plan was progressing well. Centennial Tower is a project costing more than 700 million USD to serve more patients.

One of the reasons why Houston is worse than the overall situation in the United States is the slowdown in the energy sector. Patrick Jankowski, senior vice president of partnership research at Greater Houston, said that COVID-19 is suspending chemical plants and refineries along the Houston Waterway.

Competitive Landscape

North America’s prefabricated housing market is highly fragmented, with no player having a significant share to influence the market. The market is marked by the presence of a large number of prefabricated housing manufactures and service providers. The market presents opportunities for growth of the companies in the market during the forecast period, which is expected to further drive market competition. The market is expected to grow during the forecast period due to the increase in the prefabricated housing construction investments and upcoming major projects in the country and other few factors are driving the market. Major players are Skyline Corporation, Champion Home Builders Inc., Clayton Homes Inc., Perrin Construction Co. Inc., and Ritz-Craft Corporation.

Reasons to Purchase this report:

  • The market estimate (ME) sheet in Excel format
  • 3 months of analyst support

1.1 Study Assumptions
1.2 Scope of the Study

2.1 Analysis Methodology
2.2 Research Phases


4.1 Current Market Scenario
4.2 Technological Trends
4.3 Insights on Supply Chain/Value Chain Analysis of the Prefabricated Housing Industry
4.4 Cost Structure Analysis of the Prefabricated Housing Industry
4.5 Impact of COVID-19 on the Market
4.6 Insights on Different Types of Materials used in Prefabricated Housing Construction

5.1 Drivers
5.2 Restraints
5.3 Opportunities
5.4 Porter’s Five Forces Analysis
5.4.1 Bargaining Power of Suppliers
5.4.2 Bargaining Power of Consumers / Buyers
5.4.3 Threat of New Entrants
5.4.4 Threat of Substitute Products
5.4.5 Intensity of Competitive Rivalry

6.1 By Type
6.1.1 Single Family
6.1.2 Multi Family
6.2 By Country
6.2.1 United States
6.2.2 Canada
6.2.3 Mexico
6.2.4 Rest of North America

7.1 Overview
7.2 Company Profiles
7.2.1 Skyline Corporation
7.2.2 Champion Home Builders Inc.
7.2.3 Clayton Homes Inc.
7.2.4 Perrin Construction Co. Inc.
7.2.5 Ritz-Craft Corporation
7.2.6 Cavalier Home Builders LLC
7.2.7 Triple M Housing Ltd.
7.2.8 Nobility Homes Inc.
7.2.9 Jacobsen Homes
7.2.10 Sunshine Homes Inc.
7.2.11 Lindal Cedar Homes*


9.1 Marcroeconomic Indicators (GDP breakdown by sector, Contribution of construction to economy, etc.)
9.2 Key Production, Consumption,Exports & import statistics of construction Materials